The Roadmap

At The Glass Clown Museum, we aim to provide our visitors and users with a clear path to navigate and explore the exciting features and developments on our platform. Our Road Map serves as a dynamic guide, outlining the journey ahead and highlighting key milestones that shape the future of our virtual museum.

Stage One: Basic Functionality and Permissions System

In the initial stage, we focus on establishing the basic functionality of the website. This includes implementing a robust permissions system to manage user access and ensuring a smooth and secure user experience. Simple object linking will be introduced to lay the foundation for future developments.

  • Implement basic website features
  • Develop a permissions system for user access
  • Introduce simple object linking

Key Milestone: Go Live

Stage Two: Enhanced Object Linking and Team Building

Building on the foundation of Stage One, Stage Two introduces more complex object linking. This stage also involves defining descriptive language, and improving mobile responsiveness and better navigation across user devices, to enhance the user experience. Additionally, we will start building research and website admin teams to contribute to the growth and improvement of the platform, and finally add search functionality across all objects.

  • Enhance object linking capabilities
  • Define descriptive language for better user understanding
  • Build research and website admin teams
  • Improve Mobile Optimization and Navigation
  • Create Basic Search Functionality across Objects

Stage Three: To Be Defined

Stage Three is under development. Stay tuned for more updates as we define the goals and features for this stage.

Possible Updates to Include:

  • Advanced Search Functionality

Stage Four: To Be Determined

Stage Four is in the planning phase. We will announce the details and objectives of this stage in the near future.

Aspirational Updates:

  • Create Wishlists of Objects